Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Washington, Plus I Found My Lucky Charm?

The current state of Washington reminds me of Taylor Branch in Parting the Waters writing "A man with the burning desire to be a saint might well find himself competing with another preacher intent on making a fortune, as all roads converged at the Negro church."

Of course the word "saint" might be a bit generous for even my own most beloved Democratic leaders, but hey.

I think I'll read PTW again, actually - the last time I read it, I was on the first Greyhound Bus to "take off" after the Nashville bus terrorist incident. That was exciting. And I had just met a girl whom I thought was my true love, so that was exciting. And I lost 75 pounds, so that was exciting too. Which led me to banging three chicks in 6 weeks, which was VERY exciting (including #5 on this list HERE.)


ope said...

a story for nolan.

Xmastime said...

sigh. my first piggyback.