Sunday, March 08, 2009

Birds, Deer, Trim

Back in the dark ages, when I had a car and lived in the boondocks, I had one of those deer-whistle things mounted on the bumper of my '78 Ford Fiesta (HOrny, ladies?) As I was barreling down the road, the whistle would emit a noise that told deer to stay the fuck outta the way, as I was prolly on my way to hittin some trim.

Meanwhile, more and more now we hear about birds flying into plane engines. If I thought I was about to die, or if I lost a loved one thanks to a fucking BIRD bringing down a goddam jet, I'd be pretty furious. Do they have devices that are even supposed to ward off birds? I find it hard to believe that my tin can of a car could keep a half-ton deer away, but an engineering marvel like something that can fly 6 miles into the sky is helpless against a bird. Wtf.

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