Sunday, March 08, 2009

Hey, Good for Them!

It turns out that stopping same-sex marriages in other states isn't the only thing Mormons are good at; apparently they lead the league in teachers fucking kids.
Since 2007, at least 10 other Utah teachers or school employees have been charged with engaging in sexual acts with students.

Is there some sort of medal they can get for this? Shouldn't the Governor get a trip to the White House?

My favorite quote: " "My daughter is thrilled to go to class every day," she said. "This is just a case of one or two teachers. Not a bad school."

I did a little research and see that this school has 30 teachers. So yeah, I guess if you're sending your kid off to school every day, how can you not be thrilled that the odds that the adults will fuck them are ONLY about 7%? Hell, with those odds you have a better chance of getting eaten by a shark, or eating lunch that day. What's the big deal?

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