Sunday, March 08, 2009


I'm glad the Yankees dithered away an entire week trying to decide if A-Rod should have hip surgery. Grrrrr.

The point is, instead of spending an entire season holding their breath every time A-Rod moves, they should've looked at how the Yankees have started the past 5 seasons (up to June 1):

June 1, 2008: 31-31
June 1, 2007: 27-31
June 1, 2006: 35-22
June 1, 2005: 28-30
June 1, 2004: 35-20

Four out of those 5 years, including the two shitty starts, the Yankees made the playoffs. So as long as they don't have a complete, historically awful start, it doesn't fucking matter - have the surgery, let A-Rod come in after 2 months and there you go. I don't know why this was even debated for so fucking long.

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