Monday, March 16, 2009

Blonde GOP Catfight Make a Man Wanna Holler

Apparently Laura Ingraham made a crack(!) about Meghan McCain being a bit of a fat ass, and Meghan has bit back, blah blah catfight blah blah. Apparently today on the radio Ingraham said this:

INGRAHAM: But look the bottom line is it’s rough and tumble out there. You wanna put yourself out there as someone who’s going to redirect the future of the Republican party, and you’re going to have to deal with satire. You’re gonna have to deal with people teasing. You’re gonna have to deal with, you know, sometimes the kitchen gets a little hot! …. You gotta just take a chill pill. … Can I say lighten up or is that offensive too?

I gotta be honest here...the 'lighten up' line is fucking funny.

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