Monday, March 16, 2009

Spooky Wisdom

Hey, here's something...all these years that we've been crying about him driving the economy off a cliff, it turns out that George Bush, in that "oh, I don't want any credit, I'll just be pulling the levers in the back here, making amazing things happen that people don't even realize are happening" way of his, was actually saving marriages!! Fucking hell - no matter how deep in shit the country was getting, no matter how far he sunk in the polls, the president, AND ONLY THE PRESIDENT!! understood one thing: if you take away a couple's jobs, and their savings, and their home, eventually they will be out on the street and forced to speak with each other and therein TA-DA!! re-ignite that spark that made them fall in love in the first place!!! Fucking amazing. What else fucking awesome will happen to us that we once bitched about re: Bush? Is it gonna turn out that underneath Iraq is a mile-deep stretch of cookies n' cream ice cream and titties? But no, he won't tell us so that we can lavish him with praise - hey, that's just not his style. "They'll find it," you know he's warmly smirking to Jesus right now. Gotdam. He has said history will eventually vindicate him long after he's gone...I'm starting to think we're not gonna make it to Opening Day without the cold hard facts coming out and making the case that George W. Bush was the GREATEST AMERICAN EVER. Man.

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