Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Come the Fuck On

How come 35 years ago they used to be able to crank out 25 episodes of All in the Family, take the summer off, and then crank out another 25 once Fall started; yet we hafta wait like 2 fucking years to get another 8-10 episodes of fucking Curb Your Enthusiasm? Wtf? I love CYE, but I mean come the fuck on; the shit IS a bit formulaic. You write one or two of these, you should be able to crank these fuckers out. And CYE ain't no goddam All in the Family to begin with.Ridiculous.


Nerdhappy said...

Why isnt this post titled: Boy the way Glen Miller played... ???

Kiko Jones said...

Yeah, except we can't afford to have "a man like Herbert Hoover, again."