Sunday, March 15, 2009

Do the People at AIG Read Newspapers or Have the Internet?

Hmm. Looks like A.I.G. is about to give out $165 million in bonuses to executives:
“We cannot attract and retain the best and the brightest talent to lead and staff the A.I.G. businesses — which are now being operated principally on behalf of American taxpayers — if employees believe their compensation is subject to continued and arbitrary adjustment by the U.S. Treasury,” he wrote Mr. Geithner on Saturday.

I never realized it until just now, but AIG must be on a whole other planet, right? Maybe Saturn? Cause I live on planet Earth, and reasoning that would seem in line with every member of the human race on Earth up to and including today's date would lead me to think umm, you know what - if you shit the bed so badly the fucking government has to come in and bail you out with $170 billion in taxpayers' money, maybe using "the best and brightest talent" to describe yourself seems a bit, I dunno...fucking crazy?

ALSO: such nonsense as this along with Bernie Madoff getting busted makes me think this is a good time to pat ourselves on the backs re: how AWESOME deregulation has been. If there's one thing we've learned over the past few months it's that if you give a coupla rich white guys a shitload of fucking money and then make sure they have no rules or oversight, the world is simply going to be a better place for everybody. I mean, that's just a fact.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Great minds think alike, re: AIG. I posted a similar query on "13".

As for deregulation, I cannot believe anyone would truthfully be in favor of it knowing human nature--the greed factor, specifically--and then expect people to do the right thing based on little more than the honor system. I call bullshit.