Thursday, March 12, 2009


Chuck Norris is doing something I've been clamoring about for fucking years: get Texas the fuck outta the country.
Anyone who has been around Texas for any length of time knows exactly what we'd do if the going got rough in America. Let there be no doubt about that. As Sam Houston once said, "Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may."

Great! Awesome! Don't let the door hit you in your ironed Wranglers on the way out, asshole!!!

I mentioned getting rid of Texas many times, including IN THIS POST:
Texas has always been on my list; Texas is always yammering about how what a great country it'd be by itself. Wonderful! Get the fuck out!! Have fun sitting next to the kid on the bus who eats his own boogers: Mexico.

But oh, will we survive without jackoffs running around the country blathering about how great Texas is, shooting guns and electrocuting people? And how will we fucking top George Bush as Shittiest President Ever if we can't get another shitforbrains from Texas???

Hmm. I'm sure we'll live.

And Chuck - take Florida, Utah and Alaska with you, fuckface.


Kiko Jones said...

They can have Alabama and Mississippi, too.

Anonymous said...

Uhh, last time states tried to do something like leave the country on their own accord, you Northerners got real uppity.