Monday, March 09, 2009

Glenn Beck's a Fucking Idiot, But I Have No Time for That Right Now

I was gonna have a snarky post about Glenn Beck re: of COURSE it's more important to run hysterically through the streets fearing a "master race" than to encourage actual advances in curing terminal diseases and healing the injured (I prolly woulda had a money line like "when the day comes that Beck finally is able to have his remove-head-from-ass surgery, he will have stem cell research to thank"), but then I saw that Britney's pussy apparently fell out of her clothing on camera, so you can see where my attention will be for the next 18-24 hours. And yes, if you went back and replaced "I was gonna have a snarky post about Glenn Beck re: of COURSE it's more important to run hysterically through the streets fearing a "master race" than to encourage actual advances in curing terminal diseases and healing the injured (I prolly woulda had a money line like "when the day comes that Beck finally is able to have his remove-head-from-ass surgery, he will have stem cell research to thank")" with "I was in the delivery room as my wife was about to deliver our first child," the rest of this post would still be the exact same.

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