Monday, March 09, 2009

I Almost Feel Bad for a Celeb (Almost)

Apparently the fucking annoying little white girl from Remember the Titans lost her shit at the papparrazzi this weekend.
"Back up!" the "Heroes" star yelled at photographers when she hit the red carpet at a fundraiser gala, Us Weekly reports.

My favorite part tho is the poll to the right of the article:

That's very nice, isn't it? No choice such as "Annoying strangers jumping in her face 24/7," just "What the fuck is wrong with this bitch?" Why not just go ahead and add

c. On the rag
d. Needs some dick
e. Dyke


Tricia said...

i don't know how they put up with paparazzi, some of them are ridiculous obnoxious asses.

Xmastime said...
