Monday, March 09, 2009

Troubling Album Review

About a year ago I was given this album, Robespierre's Velvet Basement by the Jacobites. I was only vaguely aware of Nikki Sudden - a few years ago a friend of mine's band did a cover of "Pin Your Heart to Me," but cleverly removed the melody and hook so that their version would have no effect on any human memory at all. Thanks guys!

I listened to the first 4 seconds of the cd, instantly diagnosed it as "English poof boys," and filed away under "Only Display if Person Who Gave it to Me Shows Up at My House." Same as the bottle of lite mayo I pretend I've been using for years whenever anybody comes to visit. "Oh, mayo? Sorry, all I have is diet!"

Then for some reason yesterday I said fuck it, and gave it a try. And it was exactly how I remembered - coupla sissy boys who were incapable of making it through an entire song without talking about crying or needing to be held, all backed by flaccid acoustic guitars, flowers, and candy made from memories of Sissy Boys Who Came Before Us. Unreal. Song after song, same thing. But I couldn't turn it off!! I was fucking hooked, driving me crazy, couldn't pull the trigger. And by "Into My Arms" I'm reading the lyrics and singing along, crying "he just wants to be held!!!!!"

Fucking christ. I'm not saying I could slap these boys around; I'm saying the Short Bus could slap them around and make them cry while he's watching Curious George. But the shit grew on me...I spent all day thinking about the album, and guess what I'm listening to right now. Sigh.



1 comment:

Tricia said...

i've begged supercuts to play pin your heart a million times...maybe if you ask him??
i agree with you, it takes a little but these guys are great.