Friday, March 13, 2009

Hats with Ears = My Slice

My buddy THE GIRL WHO posted a picture of her new baby, and it made me laugh as I was reminded of one of the best parts of being a Manny: the fucking outfits with animal ears on top. I swear, there's nothing funnier than a baby who can't really laugh or smile, looks like an 80 year-old man at a bank meeting, and is wearing a hat with ears on it. Hell, I used to leave Short Bus' hat on for hours after we came in from the cold, just to look at him and laugh. He had a leopard hat, a mouse one, and a coupla others. It's a funny thing to do, dressing your children up in as humiliating a fashion as possible - hell, I'm surprised we don't attach tails to them too. And it's only for the adults - as soon as the kid is old enough to be aware of what he's wearing, he for damn sure doesn't wanna be wearing a pair of mouse ears. I love that shit. Snowsuit that is a polar bear? Yes! :)


Anonymous said...

Hey! That's me! Just visiting to show Serge the latest fireside with Xmastime. Favorite part: "at least I still got you buddy, right? Right? That's nice.

Xmastime said...

Short Bus is gonna make us all stars! ;)