Friday, March 13, 2009

Thanks, Gov!!!

It looks like Mark Sanford's gamble that South Carolineans (sp?) are as dumb as he thinks and will be impressed by his political grandstanding and general stupidity has it's first victim, in the form of the school of the little girl who wrote to Congress months ago about her school in dire need of some fixing up. I'm sure the young girl is touched by the governor's desire to not saddle the next generation with loads of debt incurred from spending money on things like, oh, I dunno, schools. I'm sure these thoughts will keep her warm at night like a cozy blanket after she comes home from the graveyard shift at 7-11 because her school sucked and she had no teachers. THANK YOU, Gov'nah!!

I love how these jagoffs pound their fists on the podium, working up some waterworks about not passing debt on to future generations, knowing people will get all coozy "oh yes, the children, of course, we hafta save money for the children!!" First of all, I hope Gov. Sanford knows how something like global macro-economics actually works; in terms of lending and borrowing and secondary and tertiary markets et al. Cause he, and other dumbasses like him, SOUND like we're sitting around stuffing money into a big sock for "the children." Secondly, I love how these idiots get all weepy and strident about passing vague, somewhat nebulous things like future monies and national deficits onto future generations, but don't seem to mind passing on crumbling schools. Or underperforming teachers. Or high unemployment. Or an infrastructure held together with duct tape. Or the desire to keep science in the dark ages. Or torture being legal. Or the reduction of civil rights.

(each successive example should be read louder than the one before)

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