Monday, March 23, 2009

If He Gets One Vote for the HOF I Will Go Crazy!!!!!

He's my least favorite athlete, a fucking loudmouth who didn't do shit til he was on a great team, and he SURELY does not warrant one vote for the Hall of Fame, but..

...I hate to admit it...

...and it's prolly more of tribute to my sister in law Pam...

...but if I use him for comedy, I have to acknowledge when he's done okay,...

...but Curt Schilling's retirement post is a classy one. And you know it kills me to say so.


Kiko Jones said...


But don't you find it interesting he may have named one of his children after an iconic Yankee?

Anonymous said...

read his pre-2005 steroid rants and watch his congressional testimony again

Nerdhappy said...

Kiko +1. He named one of his kids Gehrig?!?

Xmastime said...

oh, i still hate his guts. im trying to be magnanimous here!! ;)