Monday, March 23, 2009

New York City

So tonite I hear that the average NYC "token" will leap from $2 to $2.50

When I moved here in 1998, the price of a subway ride was $1.50

There is no way to justify the leap in price based on history.


At what point will the MTA realize sponsorship, and that the tokens should be free? Isn't the MTA one of the biggest venues of viewership - how come NBC makes a shitload from commercials yet I can easily flip away; yet on a subway train I CAN'T flip way...why not make me watch commercials for Bud Lite or The Simpsons...I mean, if there ever was a trapped audience, this is it!!! Have the MTA buy this sponsorship, and we all can ride for free!!!

Secondly - ever since I've moved here I've made a joke 'if you leave my house you might as well light a $20 on fire', hahaha. It WAS funny, but I would think that the more people you get on the train, the more the city makes. We're riding into the city with at least $4; why would that NOT affect the city? Give us a free ride, we'll spend exponentially in the city.

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