Friday, March 27, 2009

I'm Confused

How could Paul McCartney have put Let It Be and The Long and Winding Road on the same album? The latter is terrible enough; put up so close to the former wouldn't it be even more atrocious to him upon first playback?

Let It Be = Beatle Super Slice
The Long and Winding Road = if The Short Bus wrote it today, I'd be like " can do better, buddy."


here. said...

my occasional fave beatles record (which makes NO sense ever). never understood the inclusion of "long &" by any measure. terrible song. i love the tune "let it be" ... oh shit, we agreed on something. gimme a minute

here. said...

i think the operative problem is that john, george and ringo didn't say anything ... but one watching of the movie "let it be" speaks volumes on the topic ... and you haven't seen that ... douchebag

Xmastime said...

makes sense; other than long and winding, it's a great album

Xmastime said...

hmm. wrote that before seeing the 2nd comment. would hate to hafta pull a certain video off of Xmastime. you know "copyright reasons" or some such.

here. said...

still love the loose feel of that record, even though in the video footage, it was anything but. i know lennon didn't give a shit, george was 'whatever', and ringo actually quit for a couple of days.

Xmastime said...

George walked out during Let It Be; Ringo did during the White Album. know your shit if youre gonna post over here; this isn't "GodIHateOhLook,AnotherObscureLouReedVideo".com

here. said...

don't pay me $5 and then bitch at my contributing columnist comments. i'm OUTTA HERE!!!!! i got plenty of work at

Kiko Jones said...

I forget who it was, but someone once called Let it Be the sound of a band breaking up. He was too kind.

Despite being a card-carrying Beatlemaniac I can honestly tell you that not only do I disagree with you both, but my life would be enriched by never having to suffer thru "Dig a Pony", "Dig It", "Let it Be", "Maggie Mae", "One After 909", "For You Blue" or "Get Back" as long as I draw breath.

That the Fabs were so embarrassed by this turd that they practically buried it and went to work on a real album--Abbey Road--and that Let it Be is the only Beatles album that's ever gotten seriously panned, pretty much says it all.

Xmastime said...

Abbey Road is a Beatles album saved by George's songs...let that sink in for a minute. other than his songs and the golden slumbers/weight/end run, the rest is terrible. the 2nd side medley while ambitious is atrocious; and Lennon is embarrassing on the album - Come Together is THE most overrated, piece of shit "classic" ever by the Beatles.

i know Let it Be isnt everyone's favorite, but my slices on there include two of us/get back/dig a pony/let it be/across the universe/ive got a feeling/one after 909. i know im in the minority, but to me there's no comparison. Abbey Road is sonically great, but the number of great songs on it as compared to Let it Be is laughable (to moi.)

Xmastime said...

+ dig it! :)

Kiko Jones said...

I know I'm one of the few people on Earth that digs "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" but can you honestly say "Oh Darling!", "I Want You" and "Because" are horrible? Really?? Seriously??!

I'm not crazy about "Come Together" either, but "Let it Be" and "Get Back"--ugh!--both deserve to join it in that overrated, piece of shit "classic" category of yours.

And yes, we agree: there is no comparison. After completing Let it Be and figuring that mediocre, half-assed, dreck-fest was to be their final word, they got their shit together and made a bonafide classic, and arguably their best record. So, despite their patent animosity towards each other, these guys were too proud to have their swan song be a crappy record like Let it Be; they wised up and got it together. I mean, they shelved the damn thing, for Pete's sake!

I'm not saying you have no right to love Let it Be. Not at all. Au contraire, mon ami: enjoy it, cherish it all you wish; but to deem it superior to Abbey Road is ludicrous.

Xmastime said...

Come Together - (see above)
Something - great song
Maxwells Silver Hammer - I'm a perpetual McCartney apologist, but....i mean, camon.
Oh! Darling - i dont mind it. not really a "song", but great singing by Paul
Octopus's Garden - please. (and I LOVE Dont Pass Me By)
I Want You (She's So Heavy) - should be used to torture terrorists. unlistenable.
Here Comes the Sun - super slice
Because - pointless and unlistenable. Gee, the Beatles could harmonize. I had no idea!! ;)
You Never/Sun King/Mustard/Pam/Bathroom Window - good idea. but doesnt work. a collection of who cares? snippets
Golden Slumbers/Weight/the End - love this; great end to their career
Her Majesty - like the Holocaust, I do not acknowledge it's existence HIYOOOOOOO!!! :)

Kiko Jones said...

I guess we'll never agree on this one, but I gotta tell ya, even Badfinger would've shelved Let it Be. KA-BLAM! heh, heh

Xmastime said...

good lord. invoking Badfinger!

BayonneMike said...

I disagree with everyone. Let It Be is great and Long and Winding Road is great.