Friday, March 27, 2009

Vicadin, II

You people should be comforted that if our enemies try to subdue us by knocking us out with Vicadin, which I have no idea how to spell, yours truly will still be able to fight, as for the second night in a row I see this shit has no affect on me. Greeeeeeeaaaat.

But to cheer me up Brooklyn's own Royal Wylds passed along this video to me for your enjoyment. I was at this show, and recall that I 1) did not touch the free pizza 2) zeroed in on a Mrs. Xmastime, and had to suffer through another harsh lesson re: nothing I can possibly say to a girl when she's walking out of a bathroom is as funny to her as it is to myself. I'll get it right someday :(

Johnny Cash Died of a Broken Heart from Alex Itin on Vimeo.

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