Saturday, March 28, 2009

Is the Space Shuttle a Big Fucking Pussy?

I see the greatest mechanical engineering feat of our lifetimes, the Space Shuttle ("NASA's Hothouse Flower") has finally decided it's not "too windy" to land:
The shuttle touched down at about 3:14 p.m. ET. NASA had scrubbed an earlier planned landing, citing high winds.

Fucking christ. Just like with rain, as I mentioned in an old THINGS ARE GOOD:
6) I’m glad the space shuttle finally made it off the launching pad. This fucking thing can hold 50,000 tons of shit, blasts off with 12 gazillion pounds of pressure psi, immediately hits 28,000 mph and OH NO NO!!!....might rain later on, so we better scratch the liftoff. Wtf. Not very impressive, assholes. The post office builds its credo around walking around delivering the mail in sleet and hail, yet NASA can’t shoot this fucker through the atmosphere for 1 minute.

The Axl Rose of aerospace travel, isn't it? It'll land or take off when it's good and fucking ready.

ps - my gay sex stuff in the above Things are Good post was PRETTY amazing, worth a look ;)

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