Saturday, March 28, 2009


The Bush Legacy Rescue team has been trying to paint Bush as a hero who kept us safe during his time in office - their argument being Bush kept us safe from terrorist attacks, except for when we got attacked by terrorists.


Then I see that Paris Hilton and her boyfriend got into a bit of a ruckus while out the other night, and I read her personal account of what happened here:
I had never seen anything like it in my life. Doug was fighting off like 6 guys. But he was of course stronger then them all but one of the idiots punched him in the face and busted open his lip.

Hmm. So...he was kicking their asses, until they actually fought.

I'm sorry, but doesn't this qualify as the official "checkmate" for Bush defenders? I mean, when the defense of Bush's record of defending America is the exact same as a night out with Paris, isn't it officially time to say you know what, Bush was fucking atrocious, I can't do this anymore? Not only that, but shouldn't this be the dawning signal that it's probably best to do the exact OPPOSITE of what Bush did on any given issue (WWBND)? It seems like at this moment people like Eric Cantor should say "fuck it; President Obama, what can I do for you buddy?"

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...