Monday, March 09, 2009

More Nonsense, and I'm Prolly a Racist

"Black man gotta lot a problems
But they don't mind throwing a brick
White people go to school
Where they teach you how to be thick

An' everybody's doing
Just what they're told to" White Riot, The Clash

Muhammad Ali ("Cassius Clay" to RRTHUR) once said "white guys are more scared of black guys than black guys are of white guys." Actually, I have no idea how many times he said it - what the fuck am I, his mother? I'm trying to put together a snappy little life over here, I got my own shit going on for chrissake.

Anyways, at the risk of sounding like a racist, I would hafta say the quote is true. I've gotten into many fights with white guys, and not once did I think I wouldn't merely kick his ass while getting his girl's digits. But the fights I've gotten into with black dudes, I've had to actually pay attention and sweat a little. Oh don't worry, I still took care of business - you don't have a body made out of turpentine and scrap metal and lose many fights, darlin.

I thought of all this cause I keep hearing people on the right shaking their heads re: Obama will be "weak" in the case of an attack from one of our enemies. He will falter if tested cause he's get this, "scared." Which is funny to me, cause as far as I know he has the exact same amount of experience with that sort of thing as George Bush did, yet I don't recall them thinking he'd be weak in the case of an attack. That he turned out to not be weak but rather a fucking idiot I'm sure is seen by those on the right as not only valiant, but lucky.

Now, I know sitting in a big white house giving orders is different from being in a bar fight. But the thing is, if Sean Hannitty, Mark Levin and Rush Limburgerwithextracheeseohfuckitskiptheburgerjustshootmeoutofacannontothechesefactory were sitting in a bar and Obama and two of his black friends walked in, Seanzarelli et al wouldn't say shit to them. Obama's crew could walk up and "accidentally" kick the table, and Rushbo et al would be all "oh, no problem!" "no, I'M sorry!!!" "dammit, WHITE people should've been slaves!!!" etc etc.

Meanwhile, let's not forget that these fake wars we're in right now were basically started because a bunch of white people on planes sat quietly in their seats while a coupla lunatics ran around waving GAAAAASSSPPP!!!!...boxcutters. I'm sorry, but there's no way black dudes would've sat there thinking "well, he has a boxcutter, obviously we should sit here quietly and let this play out, I'm sure these fine gentlemen mean us no harm." They'd say "what the...BOXCUTTERS? That's it? Oh HELL no!" Well. I guess if Chris Tucker was on the plane, anyways. But you get the idea. And yet the first non-white president we have in office is also the one they are worried will be "weak" and "scared." Hmm.

All of this, as I said, may not really have much to do with enacting warfare based on national security and a moral pejorative, but there is some level of bullshit irony with their repeating this shit ad nauseum everyday. Obama's weak, he'll crumble to terrorists etc etc. Luckily I guess it's all more comical than anything else, so I'll leave it to the great Luscious Jackson to illustrate things below: him kicking a dude in the face while two white guys pretend they don't see. Awesome!

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

How do you underestimate a man who rapidly and successfully rose through the ranks of the infamous Chicago political machine; who 5 years ago--before the 2004 Democratic convention--was a complete unknown outside of Illinois, to become POTUS? These people are certifiably insane. They seem to confuse humility with wussiness. Bring it on, then.