Wednesday, March 04, 2009

My Foulest Post Ever?

One thing I think I'd be good at is picking out the oldest, ugliest, foulest woman at work and tell someone I fucked her. It'd be like this:

Xmastime: Her? Oh yeah, I hit that.
What? you're kidding.
Xmastime: Oh, yeah. Oh god, it was horrible.
Oh, my...
Xmastime: It was disgusting; I mean look at her. She's a fucking pig. I'd be better off sticking my dick in a pile of trash.
Oh, my...
Xmastime: And that fucking mooing she does, howling like a fucking dog. I wanted to throw up all over her ugly face just to cover it up, you know? Fucking christ, she's such a fat disgusting fucking pig, you know?
Oh, my...
Xmastime: Look at her, I mean jesus christ. What a fucking pile of garbage, and in that wheelchair all high and mighty. Ugh. It was horrible; she's such a nasty fucking piece of trash. A filthy fucking animal, right? Fucking hell. Let's roll her out the goddam window already, for fuck's sake.


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