Sunday, March 01, 2009

Xmas Ratings

NERDHAPPY hipped me ("hipped"? or is it "hepped"? hipped? hepped? should I spend more time wondering about this, or go ahead and lock down that cure for cancer I'm wrapping up?) to the ratings system you may now notice at the bottom of every post. Reasoning being that sometimes a reader wants to express liking/disliking a post, but isn't necessarily up for sitting down and writing, oh, say, I don't know, something like "Xmastime you're amazing, and handsome, and I wish I was a pair of your shorts." Or whatever, I don't fucking know. Now you can either comment like you have, or simply give a number rating.

I'll try this for a coupla weeks, see how it goes. Course, I said that about being single, and here we are a mere 5,096 days later, so who knows.

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

Love the new look!