Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dino Update

Some dino-nerds are re-thinking the idea that an asteroid killed off the dinosaurs:
So if the Chicxulub (ed note - if you just look at it real fast, doesn't "Chicxulub" look like the name of a strip joint? wtf?) asteroid didn't kill the dinosaurs, what did? Paleontologists have advanced all manner of other theories over the years, including the appearance of land bridges that allowed different species to migrate to different continents, bringing with them diseases to which native species hadn't developed immunity. Keller and Addate do not see any reason to stray so far from the prevailing model. Some kind of atmospheric haze might indeed have blocked the sun making the planet too cold for the dinosaurs — it just didn't have to have come from an asteroid.

For the dinosaurs that perished 65 million years back, extinction was extinction and the precise cause was immaterial. But for the bipedal mammals who were allowed to rise once the big lizards were finally gone, it is a matter of enduring fascination.

When you spend a lot of time with a 2 year old and his friends, dinosaurs play a big part of your life - including wondering how the little fellas will handle it when they realize the dinosaurs have all been dead since even before Madonna spoke with a British accent:
Every kid I know is obsessed with dinosaurs. 24/7, its dinosaurs dinosaurs dinosaurs. I don't remember going through this stage as a kid myself. Tell you one thing, though. I don't wanna be in the room the day all these little fuckers find out the dinosaurs all died about 65 millions years ago. Man.

Of course, I postulated my own theory on what killed the dinosaurs HERE.

But fuck it, Big Bear and I are sure doing our part to bring back the dinosaurs ONE STUFFED DINO AT A TIME!

You're welcome, dinosaurs!

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