Friday, April 03, 2009

Even Rush Has to Be Tired of Hearing This Same Old Shit

I can't say I've been impressed with the right-wing media's (Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Malkin et al) assault on Obama thus far; their lack of thought and subtlety would be alarming were these people to be taken seriously. These "conservative mouthpieces" have been breathlessly panting/screaming since Day 1 that Obama is a socialist/fascist who is desperately trying to turn us into Europe while giving making it as easy as possible for Osama bin Laden to attack us as many more time as he pleases. Do these people not realize a presidential term is 4 years? Coming out of the gate so hard with such over-the-top crazed hysterics means that if by Day 100 Obama hasn't actually gone into every home in America and killed the children while raping puppies, even the most dipshit of red state listeners will begin to be numb to these attacks, leaving about 1,360 days where Limbaugh et al are merely the guy in the bank at the end of In the Company of Men; frantically waving his arms and screaming with nobody listening. Fucking christ.

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