Friday, April 03, 2009

The Softening

I think I've posted on this blog a few times that despite the fact that I haven't been back in 15 years I am on an email list from my old fraternity; every coupla weeks a "newsletter" will pop up in my inbox to let me kn0w what's happening with "the guys." Sometimes I actually scan it, as I usually find something to get a kick out of in each one.

When I was BMOC, every weekend some alumni would roll back into town to relive their youths with us, which meant 48 hours of having to listen to what pussies we were, compared to back in there day when they drank beer by the septic tank, wrestled alligators and fucked Amazons while cavorting along in some wild story we'd hafta hear about 100 times or so. And I suspect that it later came to pass that the guys from my era started going back and doing the same thing; the age-old ritual of "Old school rules, new school sucks!!" living on through yet another generation.

Now, as I said, I have never been a part of this as I've never gone back. And I'd really hate to think that if I did I'd turn into one of those "you guys are pussies!!" guys. But when I see something like what I saw in the latest newsletter (below), I don't think I'm out of bounds wondering jesus the fuck soft HAVE these motherfuckers become???!!!!!
Community Service
- Janice's is postponed til further notice
- Relay for life this Friday April 3rd from 7-11pm. Get 4 hrs. per Brother.

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