Monday, April 27, 2009

More Jackass Keifer Sutherland Should Be Prez Nonsensical Bullshit

This article has been popping up everywhere today; when I first saw it this morning I rolled my eyes re: more maudlin, over-the-top emotional egregious drama nonsense. But now this douchebag is clogging up time on my right-wing radio listening, so I feel I have to address this fantasy sequence which has been picked out as the money quote:
In surprisingly good English, the captive quietly answers: ‘Yes, all thanks to God, I do know when the mujaheddin will, with God’s permission, detonate a nuclear weapon in the United States, and I also know how many and in which cities.’ Startled, the CIA interrogators quickly demand more detail. Smiling his trademark shy smile, the captive says nothing. Reporting the interrogation’s results to the White House, the CIA director can only shrug when the president asks: “What can we do to make Osama bin Laden talk?”

I've never been a terrorist who's being interrogated or tortured about possible nuclear attacks (knock on wood!), but I would assume a suspect can do one of three things: tell everything he knows, don't say anything, or just spew a bunch of shit to get everyone off his ass for the moment. But I doubt that any of these chats go like this:

"Do you know of any attacks coming up?"
"Like what?"
"Nuclear attacks on America?"
"Oh, THAT - oh, sure, heck yeah. I know all that stuff."
"You know cities, dates, perpetrators?"
"Oh yeah, of course. I know all that stuff. Sure. Gonna be some cool shit, actually."
"So tell us everything."
"Oh, no. I can't do that. Sorry."

In other words whether they're being tortured or not, and if it's Osama Bin Laden or anyone else I doubt they're using the "na-na-na boo-boo, stick your head in doo doo!" tactic.

But I'm also wondering, what happens to a suspect if he DOES actually give us useful information from being tortured? Let's say somebody tonight gives it up re: an attack coming tomorrow, and we stop the attack because of the info received. Do we then reward him by releasing him; giving him a one-way ticket back to Crazistan and a case of Bud Light? Obviously, as someone "in the know," he would therein be someone to be considered as dangerous, no? So there's no way we'd release him. And since he's given up some info, we're gonna assume he knows more, and keep torturing him again and again; it's not like we'd know at which point he was out of info. So now his life still sucks, and he's helping out the enemy. He has actually made things worse for himself, as now we'd know that it's POSSIBLE to get useful stuff out of him, and we'd never relent. So why would he talk? He's gonna get fucked with either way, so what's the incentive in being useful in any way to his captors?


Anonymous said...

he dumped Julia at the alter, and I just can't get past it.

Kiko Jones said...

Actually, she cheated on him w/his then-best friend, Jason Patric.