Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Never Forget

A la Billy Crystal Kristol HERE:
On May 24, 2001, I wrote an op-ed for The Post in the wake of Vermont Sen. James Jeffords’s party switch. I argued that the switch, which cost Republicans control of the Senate, could well turn out to be good for President Bush. Not entirely for the reasons I speculated on in the op-ed, I turned out to be right. Bush was still able to get enough cooperation to govern over the next year and a half, and he was also able to run successfully against the Democratic Senate in the fall of 2002. The GOP regained control that November.

Hmm. I'm trying to remember if an event occurred shortly thereafter that caused everyone to lockstep in line and do whatever Bush said to do. It's on the tip of my brain...seems like something I should never forget...oh fuck, what the fuck was it? Damn. I vaguely recall something, and everyone had to be scared super-patriots and do what the president said, but...I guess I'm making shit up, and just like Kristol said it was simply brilliant bi-partisanship diplomacy from Bush. THAT"S something I'll NEVER FORGET!

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