Sunday, April 26, 2009

President Precedence

Republicans need to come up with something better than the eye-rolling, faux-frustrated "jeez, let Bush go, what's past is past!!" response to anyone wishing to hold the Bush administration responsible for signing off on torture. They have to somehow get it in their heads that this isn't some "oooooh, let's get Bush!!" witch-hunt; we are not driven by some irrational "Bush Hate Disease." The point is, we need accountability so that IT NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN. A while back I wrote about how executive power never naturally rolls back HERE:
To even dream that ANY president would roll back executive power is a pretty far-fetched dream of naivete. It's like breaking up with your high school girlfriend and thinking that with her next boyfriend she'll start back at necking and light petting. Sorry Skippy, but she picks up right where she left off - toothy blowjobs and ball-licking.

As much as I trust Obama's intelligence and calm rationale and wouldn't think he'd lunge for okaying torture as Bush did, the bigger point is I don't want him to be ABLE to. I don't want it to even be a choice for a president. And then god knows who comes after him - do we really want Sarah Palin or Chuck Norris thinking they might get away with okaying torture while in the White house one day?

Sorry, GOP - no witchhunt. Just hopes that the government is held accountable to the people that elected them. You know, whackshit, socialist crazed disease thinking.

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