Friday, May 01, 2009

And Then There Were 8

The Republicans won't let Obama nominate an assistant dogcatcher's soda jerk intern in Whogivesashit, USA without flailing themselves on the floor, raising holy hell and refusing to allow it. So now that it looks like Obama will have an opportunity to pick a Supreme Court judge, we all need to get some popcorn and pull up a chair for what is sure the be the Super Bowl of Obstruction for Obstruction's Sake While Saying Amazingly Stupid Things. Will be a pleasure to watch; one day you'll tell your children you were watching C-Span when some Republican Congressman cried while on his knees that Obama had better choose a judge who loves torture and is against abortion or else all the troops will die. This will be their magnum opus; they're probably in a barn as we speak, trying on their costumes and working on their lines. And the indignation they'll be spewing when Obama dares to spit in the face of doing what the GOP wants for no real reason the spirit of bi-partisanship and chooses a judge who reflects his own philosophies and interpretation of the Constitution will be Emmy-worthy; I'm thinking at least one pretend Senate resignation and maybe Eric Cantor performing hari-kari (twice.) Either way, I wouldn't plan on having a full bench anytime soon - at least Obama should have some fun with this, and try to nominate his housekeeper like Dubyanutz did. Awesome.

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