Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Baffled (Again)

A lot is being made of the GOP's childish obstinance to healthcare for no apparent reason. The UG is wondering if eventually such hollow opposition will begin to bring one's patriotism into question. Much like I wondered about the Right clinging in lock-step to of all things torture HERE, I wonder why, of all things to do the ol' hold their breath until they pass out or get what they want ploy, they've chosen someone's chances of being able to be treated by a doctor should something go wrong to grandstand on. I mean I'm being a bit dramatic here, but how many people might die because the GOP just flat-out refused to ANYTHING re: healthcare for political theater? Do they really think this is going to make people grateful they're "going to bat" for them?

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

They never address those of us with NO healthcare insurance, they only harp about how the govt is going to make the insured give up their Dr(s) and force them to see a Dr of the govt's choosing. I have yet to hear ANY Republican address the issue of close to 50 million of us being uninsured.