Monday, May 18, 2009

Behind Closed Doors, and An Idiot Teacher

Today I started watching Behind Cosed Doors: Stalin, the Nazis and the West, and my mind flashed to a moment in the 5th grade, Mrs. Shipp's class. Everybody was supposed to go up to the front of the class and give a little 3 to 5 minute talk about whatever book they had read. I can't recall what book I had read; but around that time I read a ton of books about WWII. Exactly none of which I can remember now, but back then I was knee deep in it. So Mrs. Shipp called my name, and as I was walking to the front of the class she says out loud to everyone "Let me guess, Gregory is going to talk to us about WWII for an hour" and rolled her eyes derisively. It burned at me then, and it still does. What the fuck kind of teacher was this?

Now, maybe you wanted a kid to stick to the format. But on the other hand, if you're a teacher, you should probably be pretty PSYCHED if an 11 year-old kid COULD speak about WWII for an hour, wouldn't you? But no. Eye-rolling, "look at this fool" discouragement.

WTF. It's amazing I even went to the pretend college I did. Grr.

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...
