Thursday, May 14, 2009

Indiana Wants Me

It's not even a thinly-veiled secret that Republicans have no alternative to Obama's plan for healthcare reform. They simply say "NO!" and don't even pretend to offer a reason.

So of course, now Evan Bayh is scared because he doesn't have an alternative to the Republicans NOT having an alternative to the Democratic plan (I'm sorry..."Democrat Socialist CCCP Party.") An overwhelming majority of Americans are in favor of healthcare reform, but Evan Bayh would rather sit around and worry about a Republican stamping the floor with his feet and crying for no real reason.

Hmm. Let me guess...Evan Bayh is gonna make it difficult for Obama to pass healthcare. Cause he's a fucking idiot. And the Democrats were so good at bending over for Bush and taking it up the ass they miss it, but have discovered that they don't need Bush, they can simply fuck themselves. Brilliant.

Evan Bayh is up for election 2010. If Indiana votes him in again, they are officially on my list of States Made Up of Complete Fucking Idiots. What more does he have to do to fuck you over?

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