Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Is Eric Cantor Chevy Chase?

One of my slices is Seems Like Old Times, where some armed gunman apprehend Chevy Chase, and hilarity ensues with scenes such as this:
B.G. Ramone: Know you remember where this gun is.
Nick Gardenia (played by Chevy Chase): Right side middle of the ribs
Gas station attendant #1: What will it be boys
B.G. Ramone: Fill it up
Nick Gardenia: Fill it up
Gas station attendant #1: Regular or Premium?
Nick Gardenia: Regular
B.G. Ramone: Premium!
Nick Gardenia: Premium will be fine
Gas station attendant #1: Do you want me to check the hood
Nick Gardenia: Yea
B.G. Ramone: No
Nick Gardenia: No its already been checked. Thanks.

Along with everybody else, I've made fun of jagoffs like Eric Baby Newt Cantor, who likes to act and sound tuff until El Puppeteer Rushbo looks their way, during which they flinch and cry and beg for forgiveness. As in Cantor with his "listening tour":

Similarly, on Sunday, Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) told CNN that Republicans should be “listening to the people“:

CANTOR: Listen, John, I think there is a lot of blame to go around. And what we’re trying to do here today is kick off a series of town hall forums so that we can get back to listening to the people. [...]
Listening to all this talk about listening, Rush Limbaugh became incensed. He said that instead of taking cues from the American public, Republicans should fan out and spread their dogma through a “teaching tour.” This morning on MSNBC, Cantor backtracked and said that he agreed with Limbaugh:
SCARBOROUGH: So, let’s start with Rush Limbaugh, who seems to be mocking the idea of a listening tour. What do you say to Rush?
CANTOR: You know, Joe, really, this — this is not a listening tour. You know, think about what we saw a couple weeks ago on the TEA parties.

Awesome. In other words, the GOP is now run like this:

Interviewer: So, is this tour a chance to listen to the people out there?
Eric Cantor: Absolutely.
Rush Limbaugh: Absolutely not.
Eric Cantor: Absolutely not.

Rinse, lather, repeat! Brilliant!

1 comment:

Reaganite Republican Resistance said...

Yet another attempt at baiting fake conflicts on the right in order to divert attention from Obama's habitual dishonesty, shocking disregard for the law, constitution, and/or ethics... and general, all-round incompetency.

Team Obama, the DNC, and their MSM sycophants have been employing despicable Alinsky-esque divide-and-conquer and character assassination techniques for months now… manufacturing synthetic “fights” like Rush vs. Steele, plus ceaseless ridicule of Jindal, Palin, even shameful distortion of the legacy of Ronald Reagan. Clearly, the strategy is to eliminate GOP rallying points and philosophical framework for 2010/12 and create the image of a party in disarray.

And it’s not difficult to see why the Democrats might prefer to banter playfully about made-up GOP “scandals” and irrelevancies like Meghan McCain’s latest drivel than debate Obama’s ongoing destruction of the country.

When their pork-n-welfare spending orgy fails to create any real economic gains, but stokes inflation and crashed the dollar, the Democrats face a bloodbath in 2010.

And by 2012, the GOP could take 40 states running Gilbert Gottfried.