Friday, May 08, 2009

It's Not $600, But Still

Tens of millions of Social Security recipients will see their bank accounts jump by $250 starting Thursday, when the government began sending out checks and transferring funds for a one-time boost coming from the stimulus bill passed in February.

This will make Republicans very happy, as they like their government spending to be in tiny, absolutely worthless increments instead of governmental policy that can boost the economy and actually increase the quality of people's lives. Hey, good for them. I'm surprised they didn't fight Obama to instead of this simply stand in front of old people cooing "ooooooh, look, a shiny new quarter, just for you...."

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

At least $250 is tangible money, unlike the la-la land promises (unicorn dreams?) that come out of the Economic National Debt Stimulus Package. I expect to see not one shiny dime outta that boondoggle. The unemployment money was a sham (like a loan with neverending 1000 interest) and the energy package is worthless hooey (solar is going to happen miraculously, I swear). Stop me before I use the word poppycock.