Monday, May 11, 2009

Joba Rules

As I wrote HERE last year, I've never thought Joba's fist pumping to be personal in a "fuck you!" kinda way; more of a "holy shit!" excited way. Course, I'm a Yankees fan, so I see it through those glasses. I do think Aubrey Huff's fist-pumping WAS personal to Joba (does it do it with every dinger he hits? no.) O's fans will say "fuck you, good for Joba good for Aubrey," but I do believe the two have to be put in context. As I said - one personal, one not.

All that said, if neither one of them actually gives a shit and Aubrey is having some fun, there's probably plenty of room for more fun like that in a sport choking with political correctness and age-old codes determined to deluge the game with even more boredom. I've always wondered why when asked about an opposing player who obviously is a close friend, a player always gives the stock "he's blah blah blah" aswer instead of having fun, like"Him? oh, he sucks. And is gay." Lighten up Francis!

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Joba Chamberlain tried to say all of the right things about Aubrey Huff's showy display in the first inning on Sunday, when the Orioles first baseman twice pumped his fist and shouted after belting a three-run homer.

There were no other on-field fireworks, but Chamberlain added this not-so-subtle caveat: "This won't be the last time I face him."