Tuesday, May 05, 2009

My Loyalty to Edwards Could've Been Avoided!!!!

Because I am a Democrat and actually believe in Obama's competence, I am told by right-wingers that I am "in the tank" for Obama; that I am blinded by my belief that he is the Messiah that can do no wrong. But actually, if anybody remembers, on these pages (?) I hammered Obama during the campaign. First of all, I was an Edwards guy (even though I knew it was fruitless.) And I railed many times about his vague rhetoric re: "hope and change."

Eventually, in his usual steady pace kind of way, the substance of what he wanted found it's way to me, and I found myself in his corner. But, despite what you will hear today from my detractors, it took a long time for me to come around.

And then today I hear audio of Obama getting his cheeseburger with Joe Biden today, and he said something that caught my ear:

"No ketchup."

GODDAMMIT - if he had just started out with "No Ketchup" on Day 1 of his campaign, I would've been parading every inch of this country for months with VOTE HOPE buttons! For fuck's sake - after all, wasn't ketchup listed as a high priority on my platform should I run for president HERE?
3) NO AUTOMATIC KETCHUP. How come unless I file an affidavit 2 weeks in advance signed by judges in 3 surrounding counties, every fucking thing I order from a fast-food restaurant comes drenched in ketchup? When did ketchup become our go-to condiment? "Oh, this guy ordered a burger, he’s from oh, let’s see…oh, Planet Earth, so I’d better squirt a pound of ketchup on this fucker." I can’t be the only dude in the world who doesn’t like ketchup, can I? Why wouldn’t you assume I like mayo on everything? Or mustard? Hey, since you’re able to read my mind, why wouldn’t you think to show me your titties while I’m waiting? And then they try to throw in 90 packets of ketchup while I’m leaving. I just said "no ketchup" on my order, and now you’re chasing me down the street to make sure I get a knapsack worth of this crap. We’re running out of oil and we can’t figure out how to run cars on ketchup? Please.

Goddammit. All that time wasted. Candidates need to know they should talk about important things SOONER, not LATER!!!

Also my horror when some crazy bitch put ketchup on my fried chicken HERE. Yeesh.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Of course your boy Hannity gave Obama shit for asking for dijon mustard for his burger. Asshole.