Thursday, May 07, 2009

Obama Babymaker

A la HERE:
President Obama’s 2010 budget — further details of which were released today — cuts funding for “Community-Based Abstinence Education” and several other abstinence-education programs

Obama is ending abstinence-only programs? What the FUCK?? Is he an idiot?? OOOOOOHHH, WAIT a this just to be an asshole to Sarah Palin? Is he fucking with Bristol (pun intended), who is marching around the country reminding us that abstinence is the answer to teenage pregnancy? Hey, Bristol Palin is LIVING PROOF that abstinence works, except for the time she let Levi stick his dick in her and spray his jizz all up in her so that she was forced to have a life-crushing child as a teenager. But that was just once - what about every time they DIDN'T fuck? Let's say he takes about 3 minutes a time...that 20 times an hour...which means that over the course of the two years Bristol ("BP"?) did NOT have 349,990 babies.

Abstinence: -349,990 babies.
Non-abstinence: 1 baby.

What more can you say? Math is math, deal with it. Obama is completely wrong here; but the bigger point I would say is that he's black, and BLACK PEOPLE ARE TERRIFIED OF DOGS!!! Just the way it is!!

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