Thursday, May 07, 2009

Obama To Fire His First Gay Arabic Linguist

A la HuffPo:
Dan Choi, a West Point graduate and officer in the Army National Guard who is fluent in Arabic and who returned recently from Iraq, received notice today that the military is about to fire him. Why? Because he came out of the closet as a gay man on national television...Obama could sign an executive order today. With roughly three-quarters of the public, including a majority of republicans, in favor of open gay service, a meaningful public backlash is unlikely. A slight majority of service members prefer that the policy be left in place, but polls also show that only a tiny minority of them care strongly about the issue, and that the vast majority of service members are comfortable interacting with gays. Obama may believe he has nothing to lose by waiting. But what about Dan Choi's career? Is this really the right time to fire military officers who are fluent in Arabic?

I feel about this the same I did HERE when Bush did the same thing: it's complete bullshit. At least Bush had the excuse of being a dipshit who actually believed God hated gay people; Obama has no such excuse. Come the fuck on.
3) I’m glad the war is over anyways. Well, it must be since we’re firing Arabic translators for being gay. Translators?!?!?!?!? We’re not even talking about dudes holed up (that sounds weird…) in the field, we’re talking about some guy by himself in an office translating shit. Are you kidding me? And this is the 55TH ONE THEY’VE FIRED!!!!!!!!! So don’t fucking ask me to take this war seriously if these dumbfucks are running things this way; if you’re pulling this crap then obviously we’re not as neck-deep in a “war against terrorism” as we had thought. I guess we’d rather risk more planes being hijacked than have an important piece of info found by some guy who gets hard whenever Brandon and Dylan call each other “bro” onscreen.

I'm officially calling bullshit on Obama. Although, incredibly, he is still 54 behind Bush.

Side Note - how fucking amazing was my Things are Good series back int eh day? Jeez. And the bear photos! Just cause I like this one from the same post I'm throwing it in here. You're welcome!!
6) My personality test results here. Was really hoping I’d hit “Submit” and it would come back with “You’re Awesome!” or “Denzel –is that you??!?!!” I don’t know what any of it means, but apparently I’m a mix of Sally Struthers, Danny Glover and Donald Duck. I’m fat, too old for this shit and don’t wear pants. In other words, these tests are fucking dead-on. Wow.

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