Sunday, May 03, 2009


I love America:
The New York Times is reporting that MLB is investigating Alex Rodriguez’s use of PEDs to determine the truthfulness of his claims.

Selena Roberts, who has a book coming out about Rodriguez, was asked to cooperate with the investigation and refused.

So while A-Rod will now spend the rest of his life having to scramble to defend himself from allegations made to sell books, Selena Roberts gets to say "no thanks" to accountability while cashing checks. Awesome.


Nerdhappy said...

Homey, ARod doesnt have to defend himself just bc/ people wrote books, he has to defend himself bc/ he lied and cheated.

Xmastime said...

he shouldve just denied the shit. unless she's willing to reveal sources et al, I feel it's unjust for MLB or the law to get involved. otherwise, it should be treated purely as a gossip book. Everybody can't pretend to care about the sanctity of the game being tainted by lying and cheating when neither MLB nor Roberts seems to care about the other 103 names at all.

Kiko Jones said...

Agreed, X.

And actually, a judge with a hard-on for the law should be very interested in the fact that a sealed legal document (the 104 player list) was leaked.