Monday, August 20, 2012

Samuel Johnson: Original Gangsta?

I've never cared for rap or hip-hop. Sorry, not my thing. Yes, I know that makes me a racist. But one thing I do know is that rap and hip-hop stars like to get paid for what they do. Period. We know this cause that's what they spend a lot of their time singing about: PAY ME.

I read this just now in a Samuel Johnson biography:
After Johnson received his pension in 1762, he no longer had to write for a living, and because he held that "no man but a blockhead" ever wrote for any other reason, he produced as little as he decently could during the last 20 years of his life.
"You want me to write? PAY ME."

Obviously if he were around today, after his first million-dollar seller Johnson would have his own clothing line and record label while working on a new "scent for men." Awesome.

"Boswell passing me in the charts this week? Oh, HELL no!!!"

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