Monday, August 20, 2012

Obama $crillah

Barry on the people throwing money at him:
Big donors were particularly offended by Obama’s reluctance to pose with them for photographs at the first White House Christmas and Hanukkah parties. Obama agreed to pose with members of the White House press corps, but not with donors, because, a former adviser says, “he didn’t want to have to stand there for fourteen parties in a row.” This decision continues to provoke disbelief from some Democratic fund-raisers. “It’s as easy as falling off a log!” one says. “They just want a picture of themselves with the President that they can hang on the bathroom wall, so that their friends can see it when they take a piss.”
Of course it's hypocritical to accept the money and then turn your nose up at it. But I can't say I'm disappointed that the guy feels rightfully skeevy about celebrating it. The system's horrible, and everyone has to be a whore; the least you can do is be turned off by it.

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