Monday, August 20, 2012

Oh, for Christ's Sake

Via Xmastime buddy Kiko Jones we se this passage via Catholics United:
Jesus gave us a simple message, 'whatever you did for one of the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you did for me.' The economic initiatives of the Romney-Ryan ticket, and the GOP's convenient use of religion only show America two things: how out of touch they are with America's faithful, and how dusty some Christian's Bibles are getting."
Look, it's very simple - you're more than welcome to espouse yourself as the party of the wealthy, and to demand that you keep whatever money you've received. While such a stance is against my personal views, it's a perfectly valid idea. I just don't see how you could tie Jesus into such a stance. To be honest, I don't know why the GOP even pretends to be the party of Christ - I would think they'd laugh at his hippy, socialist tree-hugging bullshit. But I guess once you've got a groove on when it comes to fooling stupid people, just keep swinging, right?

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