Sunday, May 10, 2009

Train Manners are Nonsense

The other morning I got on the train to go to work, and of course as soon as I pull out my book to read quietly into my car barrels some loud motherfucker braying about Jesus Saves etc. Usually I just ignore such showmen; but I was JUST hungover enough to not give a shit and closed my eyes, leaned my head back and let out a loud


I thought everyone else would be on my side, right? "Yeah, shut the fuck up!" But nyet. Opened my eyes, and more than a few people are glaring at me. "How dare you!" their eyes all said.

Wtf? Someone's desire to loudly preach whatever he wants trumps my desire to have peace and quiet to myself? Really?

I'm fairly 100% certain it's cause he was talking about Jesus. As long as you're talking about Jesus as loudly as possible, subway etiquette dictates we all must submit to it. I'm gonna test this theory; tomorrow when I get on the train I'm gonna start yelling as loud as possible "THE YANKEES BEAT THE ORIOLES 9-7, IS GIRARDI GONNA MAKE IT THROUGH THE SEASON? BRIGHT AND SUNNY TIL NOON, THEN CHANCE OF SHOWERS...GARFIELD HATES MONDAYS, LOVES LASAGNA...." and on and on. For fuck's sake.

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

I think they prolly put the "Jesus Saves" guy and "the guy who yells Fuck" together in the same boat.