Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Monica Crowley is Hot as Ballz

Monica Crowley is a hot-ass bitch; so whenever she guest-hosts on The O'Reilly Show I'm watching - nuts in my hand. Balls, too.

Anyway, her guest tonight happens to be the Michael Jordan of wingnuts, Glenn Beck. Tonight's discussion du jour is Cap & Trade, and since neither one of them knows what they're talking about (tho I'd love to sniff Crowley's bicycle seat), Beck launches into some "scientific data" wherein, get this, the average temperature is DROPPING, not rising. So he and Monica Xmastime slap high-five re: the ridiculousness of an global climate crisis emerging anytime in the future.

Number one, the "hey, it's snowing on the day they met about global warming!!" punchline is tired. As in, "global warming" does not simply mean "gee, it's getting hotter." It's "gee, the climate is acting whacky, and only gonna be getting whackier as we speed things along ourselves."

But my real question is...how can you dismiss concerns re: the temperature going UP, while you yourself are claiming temperatures are going DOWN? As in, neither one is particularly great for the human race, are they?

The planet has never broiled itself to death. But there HAVE been several Ice Ages. Which, apparently, is of no concern to any of us. That's interesting. And by "interesting," I mean "stupid." As in, if you're going to pick a side of an argument to scoff at, you MIGHT not wanna pick the one that has never happened before in lieu of one that has. Several times. I'm just saying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too bad she's insane. It seems like she and Charles Krauthammer are licking the same frogs.