Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Xmastime, JFK....Creepy?

A coupla years ago I posted on the uncanny, kinda-approaching-outright-creepiness number of similarities between myself and JFK HERE.

Then yesterday, catching a minute of some new, random “How much more personal shit can we possibly dig up on this family of dead people?” doc on the History Channel, it was mentioned that JFK claimed that if he went three days without banging a new woman, he’d get massive headaches.

Which is stunning in that here’s yet ANOTHER thing we have in common - if I go three days without some new tail, I get fucking blinding headaches, if you hit me in the head with a fucking aluminum bat. And if you substitute 1489 days for 3. Also stunning - we’ve probably gotten laid the same amount of times since 11/22/63. Seriously, this shit is getting SCARY!!

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