Monday, July 27, 2009

Almost Good

The Sports Guy thinks Almost Famous is the defining movie of this decade. I've watched it a million times, it's got great rewatchability, but I can't say for one second that it's a GREAT movie...also, how can a movie be the decade's definitive one if it takes place in a different decade than than the one during which it comes out?

Then again, I can't say I can think of another movie to stake claim to the "Definitive Movie of the Decade" title. Drawing a blank. This one might come close, I dunno; as I once said HERE:
The Tiny Dancer scene in Almost Famous is an ALMOST perfect scene - every movement and head turn is perfect, it's perfect how the verses go one more verse than you expect; even down to the number of times the bass player hits Billy Crudup's shoulder at the end. You can feel that early-morning bad feeling roll off everybody's face. Awesome.


The greatness of the scene gets COMPLETELY undermined by the ridiculous corniness of the "you are home" nonsense with the kid and Kate Hudson. Sucks the life outta the whole gotdam thing. Was on track to getting put up with the Sister Christian scene in Boogie Nights, but blows it. Grrrr.

The entire movie's like that; as soon as you start thinking "hey, this is a great flick," it undermines itself with a cornball line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Almost Famous is horrible.