Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cops III

Earlier today HERE I wondered what part location/size of city etc played in the degree to which cops are assholes - I concluded that it's hard to say Crowley is really an asshole, as much as just stupid.

But now, what do you know, we find out that there IS a cop who has been punished due to this particular non-case. Is it Crowley? Nah. It's THIS SHITHEAD...who is from, ta-DA! Boston....the 10th largest metropolitan area in the country as well as a city fairly well-known for not being too crazy about black people. So now Crowley isn't even the seemingly worst cop in this non-case, thanks to some jagoff who couldn't stand that someone else was getting credit for being a racist and couldn't go to bed until he had thrown his own hat into the ring. Hey, good for him.

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