Thursday, July 30, 2009

Gates XV!!II

I agree with this guy - why is Lucia Whelan, the 911 caller, invited to the White House beer party? Out of all people involved, she is the only one who actually acted properly. Yeah she ended up being wrong, but if the whole thing was handled correctly at Gates' house it would've been a "well, better safe than sorry" kinda thing, and MAYBE no matter what Gates said afterwards there'd be a little part of him thinking well, it's kind of nice knowing someone was looking out for such things (even if he thinks she assumed it was a white house (pun intended*) being broken into.) I do not know what it would take for me to call the cops on someone; I'm sure I wouldn't have called if I saw Gates that day. There's a million signs around NYC saying "If you see something, say something." And here's someone who actually did, and she's the one that doesn't get invited to the party.

* pun kinda comes full circle, eh? Maybe she thought it was a white person's house, now everybody' sittin round the White House having a beer...except, of course, her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it was because the media wrongly assumed she was a racist, too.