Thursday, July 30, 2009

Seeger (Not "Like a Rock," the Other One)

The Pete Seeger 90th birthday Madison Square Garden celebration is on PBS tonite; I can't say I give two shits about watching it other than I'm looking forward to when Pete tries to lead the crowd through every single verse of This Land is My Land, of which there are approximately 70,100. Jesus christ Pete, people not only KNOW one verse, they've only HEARD one! Even Bruce was lost during that 40-minute mumble-through you excitedly tried to orchestrate during the Inaugaration (I am done trying to spell that word correctly, it's been 6 months, fuck it. Halfway through I thought I saw Obama fire up a grill and start cooking some gotdam dogs. "We're gonna be here awhile."

ps - I know she's older than Pete Seeger dust but with the right crisp, button-down white shirt and a smoking hot pair of leather pants, and a drunken application of makeup, I would totally get up in Joan Baez' guts. BOOM!

"Seriously, what the fuck are you singing, old man? The sun's going down!!!"

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